What is a segment and what can I use it for?
To become more relevant in your communication you can use Carma’s segmentation to target specific recipients. And relevance really is the thing! You have plenty of information on your recipients, why not use it?
Segmentation can be used in three different ways:
1. You can segment on a list level for a campaign or a newsletter.
Example: if you want to send an campaign email to all your recipients living in Oslo that your Oslo restaurant has a special offer at the moment.
2. You can segment on a content level
Example: if you want to send a newsletter email to all your recipients but the ones living in Oslo should exclusively get article about the special Oslo restaurant offer.
3. You can set up an automatic communication based on segment match
Example: if you want to celebrate your recipients birthdays.
Carma segmentation enables you to create both simple and very complex segments depending on what you want to achieve.
You can build segments based on
1. Recipient attributes – to target recipients with a certain value in an attribute.
2. Recipient activity – to target recipients based on their behavior in previously sent emails (received/not received, opened/not opened and clicked/not clicked).
3. Recipient status – to target recipients based on Carma’s status data (e.g. bounced and date created).
4. Segments – to combine previously created segments.
5. Purchase History – to target recipients based on purchase history data.
In other words, segments can be build on both the data you have gathered on your customers stored in other systems and synhcronized with Carma but also on the information Carma has collected by all your sendouts. Together, and wisely used, segmentation can become a really powerful tool for your business.