Segments - time references

Are you creating a date segment and wondering what Carma defines as yesterday and X weeks ago? Please take a look at below examples.

In these examples todays date is 2014-04-17 (the 17th of April 2014).

is today matches:
2014-04-17 (00.00-23.59)

is tomorrow matches:
2014-04-18 (00.00-23.59)

is yesterday matches:
2014-04-16 (00.00-23.59)

is 5 days ago matches:
2014-04-12 (00.00-23.59)

is 1 week ago matches:
2014-04-10 (00.00-23.59)

is 1 week from now matches:
2014-04-24 (00.00-23.59)

is 1 year ago matches:
2013-04-17 (00.00-23.59)


All rules are flexible with leap year.